Simplify Music Licensing with Royalty-free Music Subscriptions team

Subscriptions are the most convenient, and affordable way to license music. With no licensing restrictions, our entire library, and three plans to choose from, we have removed all barriers to getting the best sounds into your projects.
Set your monthly budget and save! You ‘ll have access to the entire library.
VIEW PLANSThe Best Subscription for Royalty Free Music
What makes the best?
License Once and Use it Forever
Each plan includes our full Media Producers License with no additional fees or hidden language. It’s still “buy once, use forever”. Your music stays licensed even after you cancel.
Unlimited Access to our entire music library
Unlike other stock music subscriptions, we don’t limit access to our library. Subscribers have access to every track, sound effect, and collection without restrictions or extra cost. We add new tracks every month so you always have the latest music and sounds.
Three Plans to Fit Your Needs
We have plans to fit small freelancers and hobbyists, mid-sized media producers, and large agencies. You choose the plan that works best for you. And remember, every license can be used more than once, for as long as you need it.
Huge Discounts on Music
Compared to individual music tracks, subscribers save. Platinum members get over 70% off single tracks, and even more with collections. Combine this with our crazy perpetual licensing, there is no other plan that even closely compares.
How do Subscriptions work?
We designed our subscription plans to meet every budget and production.
- New subscribers choose a plan, based on the amount of music they use each month.
- Credits are added to your account monthly. Use them for music, sound effects or collections.
- You’ll have access to our entire library, with new music added every month.
- Download the music you need. It will be fully licensed and yours to use.
How do I Choose a Plan?
We have plans to fit small businesses, freelancers, production agencies on up to enterprise companies.
Whatever you choose, remember each plan comes with our full licensing options. This means no hidden terms or extra red tape on the music you license. All music you license as a subscriber is yours to use even if you decide to cancel… we don’t think you will though.
VIEW PLANSSubscription Plan FAQs
You can find more information about our licensing and subscription plans on our FAQ Page.
What license does subscription music come with?
You get to choose from either our Media Producers “Blanket” License or our Audio only license. Our subscription program does not add any restrictions to license terms.
What usage limitations are there with music purchased under a subscription?
The usage limitations are defined in our license page.
There are no additional limitations when purchasing music under a subscription plan. In general terms, you get full usage rights for life, as long as you don’t create a new music-only product, or try to re-sale or re-license the music itself. You can use the music in as many media projects as you like, for as long as you like, with an unlimited amount of distribution.
How much does a subscription cost?
We offer three tiers, and each tier has monthly and yearly pricing. Check out our pricing page for full details.
Do you have to purchase a subscription to get a single music license?
Of course not!
You can purchase a single track or a standard-credits package at any time. Standard credits are credits that never expire and don’t have a recurring billing plan. Learn more on our pricing page.
If I use up my monthly credits, can I still purchase music? How?
Yes, it’s simple.
You need to purchase the difference in credits with our standard credit packages. For example, suppose you have 30 subscription credits left in your monthly balance but need a track that costs 40 credits. Just purchase 10 standard credits from here. The combined balance will be 40 credits, which can be applied to acquire your music license.
Cancelling your Subscription.
Simply log in and go to Subscriptions under your account (/account/subscription).
There will you see a “cancel” button. Just click! You will have access to all remaining subscription credits through the end of your billing cycle. Your account will no longer auto-renew at its regular time. At any time, if you wish to resume your plan, just click on “Resume Plan”. This will cause your card to be billed at it’s regular renewal time, and new subscription credits will be added to your account.